
The Surrealists were inspired by the writings of Sigmund Freud. Delving into the subconscious, they created paintings, sculptures, poetry and theatre that explored the realms of the surreal.



Date & Time

Mondays, 12:00-1:30pm (ET), November 4, 2024 - January 27, 2025

Many Surrealists were Jewish and their stories and art deserve deep study. 

Course Description :

The Surrealists were inspired by the writings of Sigmund Freud. Delving into the subconscious, they created paintings, sculptures, poetry and theatre that explored the realms of the surreal. Many Surrealists were Jewish, including Man Ray, Meret Oppenheim, Lucy Schwob, Tristan Tzara, Wolfgang Paalen, and others. Even after WWII, Jewish artists such as Hedda Sterne and Alina Szapocznikow followed the same Surrealist ideas and became famous in their own right. Their stories and art deserve deep study.


Mondays, 12:00-1:30pm (ET)

Dates:  Nov. 4, 11, 18; Dec. 2, 9, 16; Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27

About the Instructor:

Dr. Batia Cohen  earned her Ph.D. in Mesoamerican Studies from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from the Universidad Metropolitana in Mexico City. She was an adjunct professor at Florida International University and she has taught in Florida for the past 15 years. Batia has published numerous articles in specialized Art and History magazines. She is currently a collaborator of a cultural magazine in Spanish online; She is the author of the historical novel Una Amapola Entre Cactus. Batia is a proud Melton graduate and serves on the  Adult Learning Advisory Board.
