PRESS PAUSE: Rest, Assured


A Jewish approach to mindfulness and self-care.



Date & Time

Wednesday, 12:00-1:30pm (EST), February 7 - March 13, 2024

The Jewish approach to mindfulness and self-care traces back to the roots of creation.

Course Description :

The concept of a week comes from the Jewish marking of six days of work and one day of rest. For six days each week, we actively interact with the world. On the seventh, we reflect on our actions. We pause, rest, reflect and reboot. In this unit, we will explore Shabbat and the role of time in Judaism. Along with other prescribed Jewish practices that ask us to pause, reflect and refrain from business as usual. Together, we will reflect on the practices that allow us to start anew, week after week, and year after year. Refresh with us.

Wednesday, 12:00-1:30pm (EST)
Dates: Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28; Mar. 6, 13
** All learners will receive an e-book as part of your tuition. All course texts will be shared on screen by the instructor. If you prefer to purchase a coursebook (for an additional cost of $18, plus shipping), please contact Carla Spector directly, [email protected]
This course is part of The Living Wisdom Series of the Melton School.
About the Instructor:
Dr. Sandra Lilienthal has a Masters in Jewish Studies and a Doctorate in Jewish Education. In 2015, she received the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. Sandra has over 25 years of experience in Jewish Education working with all ages in both Brazil and the US. For the past 15 years, Dr. Lilienthal has focused exclusively on teaching adults. She is a Melton faculty member and the author of the Pillars of Judaism curriculum. Sandra is currently working on the Living Wisdom curriculum - nine new courses being taught by Melton schools all around the world. She is a guest speaker at many synagogues in the tri-county area, presents at Limmud conferences in the US and Canada and is invited for scholar-in-residence programs around the country.