
We will explore how Presidents since Truman have related to Israel, particularly in times of crisis.



Date & Time

TUESDAYS, 12:00-1:30pm (EST) June 11th - 25th

We will ask: What does the future of the American/Israeli alliance look like and how can we influence it.

Course Description:

The American/Israeli alliance has been one of the strongest in modern history. We will explore how Presidents since Truman have related to Israel, particularly in times of crisis: From Truman’s ‘yes’ vote at the UN to establish a Jewish and Arab state in Palestine and his immediate recognition of the new Jewish state - to Eisenhower’s NO to Israel during the Suez Canal war - to Nixon’s historic lifesaving airlift of weapons to Israel during the Yom Kippur war and Biden’s travel to Israel during the current war in Gaza. We will ask: What does the future of the American/Israeli alliance look like and how can we influence it.

TUESDAYS, 12:00-1:30pm (EST)

Dates: June 11, 18, 25

About the Instructor:
Rabbi Ed Farber serves as Rabbi Emeritus at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus in North Dade. A graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary, he is a Miami native and has served his entire Rabbinic career in three Miami congregations. Rabbi Farber brings deep scholarship to his teaching coupled with a commitment to tradition and a lively teaching style.