
we will look at several Jewish texts, both ancient and contemporary, addressing how to define civil discourse.



Date & Time

WEDNESDAYS, 10:00-11:30am (EST) June 5 - July 3rd

"Crit­i­cal dis­course is not exclu­sive­ly Jew­ish, but it is char­ac­ter­is­tic of Jew­ish cul­ture through­out the ages." 

Course Description :

Disagreements between Jews are not surprising. After all, the Talmud is a huge collection of different views, sometimes even clashing views. Yet, Judaism promotes a respectful way to disagree. In this four part series, we will look at several Jewish texts, both ancient and contemporary, addressing how to define civil discourse, the right (and wrong) ways to argue, and what qualifies as an argument for the sake of Heaven.


WEDNESDAYS, 10:00-11:30am (EST)

Dates: June 5, 19, 26; July 3

About the Instructor:
Dr. Sandra Lilienthal has a Masters in Jewish Studies and a Doctorate in Jewish Education. In 2015, she received the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. Sandra has over 25 years of experience in Jewish Education working with all ages in both Brazil and the US. For the past 15 years, Dr. Lilienthal has focused exclusively on teaching adults. She is a Melton faculty member and the author of the Pillars of Judaism curriculum. Sandra is currently working on the Living Wisdom curriculum - nine new courses being taught by Melton schools all around the world. She is a guest speaker at many synagogues in the tri-county area, presents at Limmud conferences in the US and Canada and is invited for scholar-in-residence programs around the country.